Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tweety: The Village Idiot

Crooks and Liars:

Cable political coverage has changed, however, and so has the sensibility that viewers — particularly young ones — expect from it. Matthews’s bombast is radically at odds with the wry, antipolitical style fashioned by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert or the cutting and finely tuned cynicism of Matthews’s MSNBC co-worker Keith Olbermann. These hosts betray none of the reverence for politics or the rituals of Washington that Matthews does. On the contrary, they appeal to the eye-rolling tendencies of a cooler, highly educated urban cohort of the electorate that mostly dismisses an exuberant political animal like Matthews as annoyingly antiquated, like the ranting uncle at the Thanksgiving table whom the kids have learned to tune out.
And there is more from Dumb and Dumber:
On Hardball , Matthews and Shuster critiqued Obama's “weird” beverage selection at Indiana diner — On the April 10 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, after reporting that Sen. Barack Obama “campaigned today in northern Indiana, shaking hands and chatting with people at a diner near South Bend,”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now that GE is losing money both idiots might not be laughing for all. As companies lose money people lose jobs. Tweety's ratings are so far down he can't get up. I can picture these two now laughing at Obama and Hillary then their given a pink slip. No laughing on the way to the unemployment office. I hope Chris says goodby on his way out with his box of supplies in his hand assorted by security.