Saturday, April 12, 2008

Governator says no to California marriage amendment

Schwarzenegger Shifts Stance on Gay Marriage, Says He Would Fight Efforts for a Ban

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says that if an initiative to ban gay marriage qualifies for the November ballot, he's prepared to fight it.

California's governor spoke Friday in San Diego at the convention of the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest gay Republican group.

He has previously vetoed bills that would have legalized gay marriage. A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman did not say what prompted the governor to shift his position.
Schwarzenegger said he was confident a ban would never pass in California and called the effort "a waste of time."

Source: AP News

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Arnie is playing both sides. One he will talk up McCain for Republican votes from Gays and try to get campaign funding for McCain from gays. If that fails he's ready to jump on the band wagon of Obama for a job. Look Powell is all over Obama. Kerry, Kennedy, Leahy and others are attaching themselves in office to get something. Arnie will have not job after his term is over he can't go back to Hollywood and Maria has ordered him to find a job. Now look for Connie Rice to call in her favor to her friend Obama. Don't think she was working with him on the problem in Kenya without having another plan. Look Kerry wants to be President while Obama gives the speeches. Kennedy needs a legacy. Leahy knows he's days are numbered. Powell is using the race card because it works. Powell might even get to be the Sectary of Defense this time around. Connie would settle for continuing as Secretary of State. Looks like Arnie might get in the cabinet too. Remember Obama has the support of the Kennedy's and at lease they way Obama remembers it President Kennedy gave 100,000 dollars for foreign students to study in the US as that's how Mr. Obama met his wife. Oh that's right that story was no true but it sure sounds great so why not use it anyway. It was years later and President Kennedy had nothing to do with it as his family gave money for the private program and Mr. Obama had already gone back to Kenya.