Thursday, April 10, 2008

They knew; Meet the suspects.

And of course we knew all along for years and the media failed to do their part of speaking the truth. Now, the cat is out of the bag. But, ABC left some info out.
From Crooks and Liars
ABC News aired a segment on their daily news show that after a five month investigation, they could say that Bush’s most senior officials not only knew about the torture they were inflicting on suspected terrorists, but decided down to the last detail exactly how much torture to inflict.
The discussions in the White House were top secret and sources say, involve some of the President’s most senior and influential advisors, principals of the National Security Council. In dozens of private talks and meetings, sources said that a handful of top advisors discussed specific high-value al Qaeda prisoners and exactly how those prisoners would be interrogated. Whether, for example, they would be slapped, pushed, deprived of sleep or subjected to simulated drowning, called waterboarding. The discussion about the “enhanced interrogation techniques” were so detailed, sources said, the interrogations were almost choreographed, down to the number of times the CIA could use a specific tactic. Former CIA director George Tenet, in an interview last year with ABC News told Charles Gibson,
“It was authorized. It was legal, according to the Attorney General of the United States.”
It also was discussed and approved in meetings by the National Security Council’s Principals Committee, a group that included Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, John Ashcroft.

While ABC brings up two terrorists that were connected to 9/11–implying that even though our country’s leaders have dragged us down to torturing people, at least they directed it at bad men who committed the worst tragedy on American soil–but what they fail to connect are names like
Maher Arar, Khaled al-Masri, Bisher al-Rawi and Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah. Names of innocent men who were guilty of nothing more than being Muslim and were renditioned and tortured for information they could not provide.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No surprise with the names and the crimes they committed. What's strange is Powell. He's on TV speaking as a Obama adviser, while he is going to be charged with War Crimes. When Powell was kicked out of the White House and the United Nations announced he openly lied. He came on TV and said he didn't know anything about what was going on, he was left out of the inter circle. Well now we see Powell approved the illegal torture act and spying on Americans. After Obama's Iowa win, Powell started sucking up to him for a job. Now Powell is talking like he's ready to take charge again as if what he did to let 4000 plus soldiers die didn't happen. John Kerry is giving his White House policy plan without any input from Freshman Senator Obama. Last I heard Obama wasn't the Democratic candidate chosen yet. Obama spoke openly in Hollywood about keeping the don't ask don't tell policy and supporting equal rights for gays. Now he wants to repeal the don't ask don't tell and wants openness of a person personal life. Let's hope Obama doesn't repeal the Civil Rights Bill next but you never know.