Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rhodi Rhodes quit Air America; Didan't apologize for inflammatory remarks against Hillary and Ferraro.

The Huffington Post has learned that Randi Rhodes quit Air America after being asked by the network to apologize for her inflammatory remarks against Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro.

A source at Air America, who asked to remain anonymous, said, "Many people screw up and then apologize and move on. Like Imus. Like David Shuster. Like Jay Rockefeller on McCain. Like Obama on Rezko. Like Hillary on Bosnia. Randi Rhodes refused to apologize for her obscene comments and has chosen instead to terminate her relationship with Air America."

The source also said that there is no love lost between Rhodes and her colleagues at the network. "No one is upset. She made the move but there's relief and joy."

Dismissing claims that Rhodes was just doing stand-up comedy in San Francisco when she made the remarks, the source confirmed that Air America paid her way to California, that she was advertised as "Air America's Randi Rhodes," and that the Air America website urged people to go for "an evening of politics and pop culture." The source said, "Air America pays people to be talk show hosts, not stand-up comics, or else we'd hire Chris Rock."

It remains unclear who will substitute for Rhodes' time slot in both the short- and long-term, but the source said the network is looking at Rhodes' departure as an opportunity to rebuild. "Sometimes it's for the best that the leading player leaves so you can rebuild with better talent."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Interesting comments as no one seem to think what Rhodi did was a big problem. I read the list of attackers and on who. What stood out is Hillary and Chelsea are called everything in the book so things a man would never say about a woman in public. Yet Mrs. Obama is Teflon. One could only think what would be said if she were called the names Hillary is called, or if the Obama children were called the names Chelsea is called. Yes Teflon to the McCain family too. I also noticed how the wives of the candidates she no problem with the names Hillary is called. So much for Woman taking up for Woman just on the Values issue.