Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sullivan: Rummy, Addington, Yoo should fear being indicted as war criminals if they leave the U.S.


On The Chris Matthews Show this morning, the Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan said that recent release of the Yoo torture memo means “that Donald Rumsfeld, David Addington, and John Yoo should not leave the United States anytime soon. They will be at some point indicted for war crimes,” he said.

Also more on the Tweety show:

The Chris Matthews Show: How big an issue is John McCain’s age?

Crooks and Liars:

Argh. Despite polls that show that John McCain’s age is a factor for more voters than Obama’s race or Clinton’s gender, the punditocracy can’t lose their McCain love. Even when the topic is McCain’s age, the talking heads on The Chris Matthews Show can’t keep themselves from bringing up what a maverick and how decent he is. Watch when Andrew Sullivan injects a little unwanted reality about the real difficulties McCain will run into getting elected, he’s cut off by Chris Matthews asking a question again that’s already been dismissed by his panel as unimportant.


airJackie said...

I wrote the United Nations and asked these men be charged with their crimes and bring charges against all the Bush/Cheney Administration. All should be held accountable for their crimes.

Anonymous said...

About time! Right on, Jackie!

The process servers should come calling for the rest as well!