Thursday, April 03, 2008

Gregory: Bush ‘didn’t jump to invade Iraq’ after 9/11.

Gregory certainly inhaled the GOP pollution.
Yesterday, on MSNBC’s Hardball, David Gregory exonerated President Bush for his misguided invasion of Iraq, saying there’s “not a lot of argument” that Bush “had the right response to 9/11.” Gregory commended Bush for not immediately “jump[ing] to invade Iraq” and instead waiting until March 2003 to do so:
If [Obama] talks about what you do in response to a crisis, either you have the right intelligence and you have the right response. Well, there’s not a lot of argument that Bush had the right response to 9/11. He didn’t jump to invade Iraq even though there was some argument that he should do that in the room.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

David better be getting alot of money to lie for the White House. We see the proof in the torture memo dated 2003 that the Pentagon and White House approved torture and murder. Now we know to that the 9/11 attack was well known to the White House when Bush left for vacation. At lease people can change the channel when David starts lying for his friends. What's sad is he's not respecting the 9/11 victims who the Saudis with the White House killed.