Thursday, April 03, 2008

Another KBR rape claim emerges.


Last December, former KBR employee Jamie Leigh Jones alleged publicly that she had been “gang-raped” while working for the company in Iraq. Since then, nearly a dozen women have contacted Jones to say that they too were sexually assaulted by contractors in Iraq. Now, in a new Nation article, another female KBR employee says she was raped in Iraq in January 2008. But, she says she was “told to keep quiet about the incident by a KBR supervisor” and warned that if she spoke up, she would be “in danger.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This tells the World alot about what Americans think of Woman's Rights. American woman get raped and the Secretary of State Connie Rice sees no problem with it. I was glad to see this lady has a son who helped his mother. She should be proud of him, he's a real mans man.