Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Gov't vs. defense in DC Madam trial.

Deborah Jeane Palfrey and her mother, Blanche Palfrey, arrive at the D.C. courthouse.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Catherine Connelly vs. Palfrey's attorney, Preston Burton.

Prosecution side: Assistant U.S. Attorney Catherine Connelly. Characterized Palfrey as the mastermind and madam:

She did not specify how many men would testify, but said that "over a dozen" women would be called to the witness stand.

"This case is not about prosecuting prostitution," Connelly told the jury in her opening statement. Palfrey, who started the escort service in 1993 and was running the business from her Northern California home when it folded in 2006, is charged with financial racketeering, money-laundering and using the mail for illegal purposes.

Connelly said Palfrey advertised for escorts and clients in various publications, including Washington City Paper and the student newspaper at the University of Maryland in College Park. Women who applied by mailing photos and résumés to Palfrey were not necessarily aware that the service involved prostitution, Connelly said.

After applying, Connelly said, women were required to meet with testers in the Washington area, men described by Connelly as "trusted, longtime clients" of Palfrey's service. The clients not only would verify for Palfrey that the women were attractive and skilled at legal sexual game-playing but also would "test" them by offering to pay for sex acts, Connelly said. She said women who passed the tests were hired.

The service employed "dozens of escorts" over the years and had "hundreds of clients . . . who paid thousands and thousands of dollars for sex," Connelly said.

She said the escorts, most of whom worked about three nights a week, sometimes meeting with several men per night, kept half the money paid by clients and mailed the rest to Palfrey in California in the form of postal money orders.
Palfrey was "the head, the mastermind, the madam," Connelly told the jury.

Defense side: Preston Burton. Powerpoint presentation of Pamela Martin & Associates and employment rules:

Burton said his client ran her business openly and did nothing wrong, arranging for her escorts to meet clients in their homes and hotel rooms in the Washington area.

"Deborah Jeane Palfrey is not guilty," Burton told the jury. "She doesn't want to be here. You shouldn't be here. This case shouldn't be here. . . . My client did not sell sex. My client sold appointments."

He added: "She's like a taxi dispatcher. You call her up and she sends a taxi. What happens after that is between you and the driver."

As for the sex acts that the government alleges occurred, Burton said: "The people who decided what to do in those rooms . . . were all adults. Educated adults. Consenting adults. They decided what to do." Burton suggested that prosecutors have been overzealous in subpoenaing the escorts and clients and granting them immunity. The immunity will prevent them from invoking the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and declining to testify.

"Their lives in many instances are going to be ruined," he said.

Burton denied the description. He said that Palfrey required all the women who worked for her to sign contracts, agreeing to abide by several rules. He gave jurors a PowerPoint presentation, showing them the contract and highlighting rule No. 5: "Individuals caught performing illegal activities of any nature will be terminated."

"That's not what an illegal business does," Burton said.


On a side note: I received an email from the news junkie, Jason Leopold. He will not be at the trial due to busy schedule and working on his new website for his company. However, he will be purchasing the court transcripts and will be sharing them with me. So, I will be giving a summation of Ms. Palfrey's trial based on the court transcripts. I appeciate Jason of sharing the court transcripts to me. :D


PrissyPatriot said...

Well the pros told the truth once at least, no this case is NOT about SEX!

Can't wait to see the transcripts

airJackie said...

If I get this right the ladies signed a contract and then broke it for their personal greed. Something like the Attorney General and Judges taking to oath to obey and follow the law. We see Gonzo and Judge Fuller broke that oath and law with no problem. If this is the case with Jean's case that a signed contract doesn't mean anything well look for others to follow the new Bush Law.

Loved the PowerPoint it makes things so much easier to understand and follow. I'm glad Jean has her Mom with her. Now her Mother can see just have far back our System of Justice has gone. This case is like trying to fit a large circle in a small square, it wont happen no matter how hard you try.

I know the jurors are waiting for Senator Vitters to testify under oath. With the two Wendy's by his side for support. Question which Wendy will he go home with or will he follow the Republican rule of a three way? Now I do read the stories behind the stories. Yes the headlines are all about the chose Dems who hired prostitutes. But also in fine print are the stories of Republicans who not only hire prostitutes but have their wives join in and these three way sex sessions. I laughed when Mrs. McGreevey talked about Ashley and how bad Spitzer was only to find out she had joined in a three way sex group and continues till this day. I look forward to reading the comments from those who have done worse but trying to hide it.