Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Recent House and Senate Votes

Recent House Votes

Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act - Vote Passed (308-116, 7 Not Voting)

The House voted to authorize $50 billion between 2009 and 2013 to help fight the international spread of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

United States Fire Administration Reauthorization Act - Vote Passed (412-0, 18 Not Voting)

The House unanimously reauthorized funding for the U.S. Fire Administration in the amount of $293 billion over five years.


Upcoming Votes

Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 - H.R.3221

The Senate will vote on this foreclosure prevention bill.

The National Landscape Conservation System Act - H.R.2016

The House is scheduled to vote on this bill to establish a system to conserve, protect, and restore nationally significant landscapes through the Bureau of Land Management.

Beach Protection Act - H.R.2537

The House will likely vote on this bill that would improve environmental protection of beaches.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I notice we're still spending money we don't have and continuing to give money away to Foreign countries. Looks like China, Russia or the Saudis will have no problem taking over the US. Most countries invade, fight and kill for control. Not the US, we're special. We just borrow, spend, borrow/steal/spend and let a country walk right in and take control without firing a shot and even using force. We see our so called Government Leaders who are so busy stealing and lying while stupid people are appointed in top jobs. People with BA and Masters Degrees are working at McDonld's and the friends of the GOP are just taking as much as they can while they can.

Nixon was charged with impeachment and less then three months left office. Bush/Cheney are doing worse yet these so called smart educated experienced Law Makers say their is nothing they can do to impeach this President/VP. Now that answers works only because the American people don't understand the US Government. Maybe Americans should as immigrants or those who have just become American citizens how it works. These Law Makers of both Parties know what to do for the American people they choose not to so they can benefit from the crimes committed. Most give these great speeches while doing nothing. I guess that's all that's needed now is a great speech and like sheep Americans will just follow until they fall of the cliff. Dr. King said to Judge a man/woman not by their skin color but by their character and as we see we have very few current Leaders with any character anymore. As the World Leaders sit back and watch the down fall of the once Great United States of America. The United Nations will have no problem with charges current leaders with War Crimes.