Friday, April 11, 2008

Boston newsman protests BillO’s Emmy Award.


Barry Nolan, a local Boston news reporter, is mounting a campaign to protest the fact that Bill O’Reilly will be awarded an Emmy Award by the Boston/New England Chapter next month. Nolan insists that O’Reilly is “a mental case” who shouldn’t be held up as an example of journalistic integrity:

“I am appalled, just appalled,” Nolan told the Track. “He inflates and constantly mangles the truth…and his frequent target is the ‘left-leaning’ media - the ones who do report the news fairly. And those are the same people who will be sitting in the room honoring him.” […]

“I hope people will express their displeasure to the board of governors and they’ll rescind their decision,” he said. “It’s morally unacceptable.”

Nolan plans to attend the May 10 ceremony, and he’s invited Keith Olbermann as his date.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, there's proof the Emmy Award isn't worth crap.

Anonymous said...

"O'Reilly is a mental case"

What an understatement.

There you have it when people like this can get an Emmy........well you know the news is not news any more. Just horrific. This is an a fine of example of airwave pollution being rewarded. Watch Hannity get an award next. I still can not believe how well he contained himself during the Jesse Ventura interview.