Friday, April 11, 2008

We heard this phrase 100 times.

Crooks and Liars:

Yesterday, speaking from the White House, the president boasted, “American and Iraqi forces have made significant progress” in Iraq. It got me thinking, haven’t we heard that phrase before in relation to Iraq?

* White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan on October 27, 2003: “In the north and south [of Iraq], we have made significant progress.”
* President Bush on
November 13, 2004: “Fighting together, our forces have made significant progress in the last several days.”
* President Bush on
June 28, 2005: “In the past year, we have made significant progress.”
* Vice President Cheney on
October 19, 2006: “[W]e’ve made significant progress.”
* President Bush on
February 23, 2007: ” I think we have made significant progress in Iraq.”
Indeed, it’s a phrase the White House has used to describe events in Iraq
several hundred times over the last five years. I can’t imagine why anyone would be skeptical about the claim now.

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