Thursday, March 20, 2008

Washington man put up War Dead billboard; Received praises, threats.

Crooks and Liars:

Money quote: “They hate us for our freedoms still, I see.”

Nearly five years after putting up a controversial billboard that keeps a running tally of U.S. soldier deaths in Iraq, the owner says it’s staying up despite vandalism and threats.

Thousands of cars pass by with some drivers waving and honking in support. But Queisser says others have thrown rocks at his home and vandals have torn the sign apart multiple times. There have also been letters calling Queisser a terrorist, and even one that threatened him with beheading.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The truth hurts and even the Media is told not to report the number of troops who have died based on the White House lies. The public really isn't interested in that news anyway it's more important to know about Britney and Paris. As we see the lies become the truth as Americans just stick their heads in the sand and wait for their hand out rebate check. I did notice that White House criminals are getting high paying jobs so I guess the Bush Law is criminals can get jobs while honest people can't.