Thursday, March 20, 2008

Enough said; Christy at FDL nails it.

Cheers, Christy!
By: Christy Hardin Smith Thursday March 20, 2008 12:00 pm
they do. Glenn has the run-down on ABC's Brian Ross' putrid, prurient titilation of the blue dress stain variety. Then, I woke up to this from the NYTimes:
Between 7:25 p.m. and 7:50 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Lewinsky scandal exploded into public view, Mrs. Clinton departed the White House for an undisclosed location for discussions with people whose names are redacted from her schedule.
The following day, Mrs. Clinton held a 30-minute “private meeting” at the White House. The participants’ identities are removed from the schedule.
When Mr. Clinton admitted the affair to the nation on Aug. 17, 1998, that day on Mrs. Clinton’s calendar says simply, “No Public Schedule.” The following day, when Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, and their daughter, Chelsea, left the White House for a scheduled vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, the schedule reflects that trip at a time “TBD,” to be determined. No other events or meetings are listed on that day.
What?!? We don't get the background chatter that she made Bill sleep on the sofa in the private residence for months afterward? Or that she used Kleenex tissues to dry her copious tears or that she sought solace with a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby? Come on! What in the hell is wrong with these people -- this occurred years ago and is none of our business. It wasn't our business back then, and it sure as hell isn't our business years later.


airJackie said...

This is way this country is in the mess we're in now. Republicans only want to talk about Bill's affair while the White House continues to commit crimes and drag this country down. We have seen Republican Law Makers worse then Bill yet the Media continues to talk about only the Clinton affair. I wish this country and Law Makers cared about a Law Makers who continues to molest kids and one that is still looking for sex in the men's room.

PrissyPatriot said...

'It wasn't our business back then, and it sure as hell isn't our business years later.'

No its not-and that Rovian tactic is why I didn't want Hillary to run. I couldn't take the trauma of the repeat of that whole scenario...Good gravy will Ken Starr be dragged out of the closet again too? Please no!! Blah

Some do not want progress in this country, certainly not John McCain.