Friday, March 21, 2008

TX councilman: Immigrant detention center is a ‘holding pen for wetbacks.’

And this bigot said this on a Fox News affiliate station...


A Texas local Fox News affiliate reports that “Mustang Ridge City Council member Charles Laws referred to a proposed immigrant detention center as a ‘holding pen for wetbacks’ on the March 12 meeting agenda.” Asked about his comments, Laws explained: “I’m 74 years old, and that’s what we called them when I was growing up. I don’t care about political crap.” But Laws later back-tracked, saying “I wasn’t thinking.” A city councilman from nearby Austin is leading a campaign to have Laws removed.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Well I notice the Councilman cashes his pay check with the money the so call wetbacks pay in taxes. I hate that name calling it remembers me of the N word. But I guess that's why God allowed people to die to clean up those who were taught hate.