Friday, March 21, 2008

Time for Grampa McCain to take a nap.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) doesn't have royal blood. Publishers of McCain's book, Hard Call, say that the senator is "related to the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce, on his mother's side," but "genealogists and medieval historian" tasked to investigate the link say it's not so, calling it "wonderful fiction" and "baloney"


airJackie said...

Ok now I can say I'm related to Bill Clinton. I know must people don't like him but to me he's like the brother I never had. No he's not perfect, but can really be the life of the party and gets along with all people. I am also related to Mr. Kitty Bowtie one of the smartest sweetest loving person/cat I know. Now if McCain can pick his relatives so can I. No I'm in no way related to GW the drunk druggie.

Anonymous said...

Here's a bedtime story for grandpa. The "true" story of Good Friday......Jesus knew the Romans were after his ass, so he decided to go into exile in Persia. His buds couldn't let him go without a party, aka, The Last Supper.They divided up the tasks and Judas was in charge of the wine. Well hell, they were all getting drunker than skunks and ran out of vino. Judas couldn't let that happen, so he took the money he had and got some more. Every body staggered home and Judas started to fret. He knew his ass was in a ringer cus he had spent the rent money on wine. Not wanting to face the old lady, he stopped into a local pub for last call. There he ran into a couple of centurians and the rest is history. (Blasphemy, pure blasphemy). lol