Friday, March 14, 2008

SPB News for Friday.

U.S. falsely implicates Guantanamo prisoner: lawyer A U.S. military report on a battle in which a U.S. soldier died in Afghanistan was altered after the fact to falsely blame a young Canadian prisoner [15-year-old Omar Khadr], his lawyer said on Thursday.

US veterans urge soldiers to speak out against Iraq war US veterans and active-duty soldiers on Thursday kicked off an event in Washington to protest the war in Iraq, urging other members of the military to join them in speaking out against the conflict. "There's an upswell of disgust and disapproval for the Iraq war in the military," intelligence sergeant Selena Coppa told AFP at the launch of the four-day "Winter Soldier" event.

Rice: U.S. concerned by terrorism in Latin America U.S. Secretary of State [war criminal] Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday that Washington was concerned about terrorism in Latin America but she declined to comment on the chances that it might add Venezuela to a U.S. terrorism blacklist.

FBI disregarded secret court on private records The FBI twice disregarded a secret court's constitutional objections and obtained private records for national-security probes, a U.S. inspector reported on Thursday.

US military says it shot and killed a young Iraqi girl US soldiers shot and killed a young Iraqi girl who "appeared to be signalling to someone," a military official said today. The shooting, which took place yesterday afternoon, occurred in the volatile Diyala province north of Baghdad. The girl appeared to be "around 10 years old," said Major Brad Leighton, a military spokesman.

NRCC Says Ex-Treasurer Diverted Up to $1 Million — The former treasurer for the National Republican Congressional Committee diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars — and possibly as much as $1 million — of the organization's funds into his personal accounts, GOP officials said yesterday …


Anonymous said...

Rice putting Chavez on the terrorist list.........he already has a high opinion of Condi cough, cough, choke, choke

Anonymous said...

Christopher J Ward embezzled possibly as much as $1 million dollars from the Republicans! Do we even see a whisper on this in the TV news? Hasn't happened.
They're still talking Spitzer, Ferraro's remark about Obama.