Friday, March 14, 2008

Soon-to-be Governor David Paterson: ‘The Only Whores I Know Are Lobbyists’

And I like the guy already. I look forward to hearing more of Patterson's role as the Governor on Monday...

David Paterson just gave his first public address since Eliot Spitzer's resignation yesterday. He made noises about "getting back to work" and the budget, talked about being black and blind, indicated he wasn't planning any major changes to his predecessors more controversial policies, and became the first human being in government to express sympathy for Spitzer himself. "My heart goes out to Eliot Spitzer, his wife Silda, his daughters," he said. "I know what he's gone through this week. In my heart, I think he's suffered enough." Paterson also displayed a rather awesome sense of humor. "Just so we don't have to go through this whole resignation thing again," one ballsy reporter asked, "have you ever patronized a prostitute?" Patterson thought for a minute. "Only the lobbyists," he said.

On a side note: Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Spitzer's chief rival and the next highest-ranking official, does not become lieutenant governor upon Paterson's ascension to governor. The lieutenant governor's office would remain vacant until the next general election in 2010 under state law. However, whenever Paterson is out of state or if he were to become incapacitated, Bruno would be acting governor.


Anonymous said...

And McCain would have the same answer, but he knows first hand.

Anonymous said...

lobbyist as whores?? what a novel thought. lol

airJackie said...

David made his point clear and it was directed at John McCain. Now you notice how the Media just laughed and never followed up with the meaning behind the joke. David and Eliot are friends and nothing will change that, even friends help out friends. This was a big blow to the Republican who wanted to impeach Splitzer. Yes they thought it would lead to a new election for New York Governor and a Republican would get in, but as usual the evil plan backfired. Now the Republicans will see what the Billionaire's do with their names and private lives made public just to get Splizer out of office.

SP Biloxi said...

Looking forward to Lt. Gov. Patterson being sworn in as Governor on Monday.

And he certainly called a spade a spade.