Saturday, March 22, 2008

Separation of Church and State weekend.

Separation of Church and State and support of the U.S. Constitution this weekend.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The big difference between Law Makers today and those who Founded this Nation is education. All the Founding Fathers were educated men with a clear understand of Democracy. Knowing their were Americans with different views and the people were from all classes they had hope with years of growth all Americans would come to understand and work for the better of the country. Yes Religion was part of each man's heart but not with Freedom there was choice. Now Slavery was done and some Religious people found it against God's law or Religious people found it benefited their financial growth. Now the Founding Fathers knew in order to form a perfect union Religion couldn't be joined with the State.

Now Religion is joined and has moved in the White House. We have Religious Leaders using God for greed and personal gain. Those who did read the bible know Jesus told men/woman God had nothing to do with Government. Yet Americans like the people that let Jesus die on the cross followed Satan, only to ask in the end for forgiveness. Yes again we have followed Satan as he uses Religious Leaders and the White House. But the question is will God forgive us this time when he knows we didn't learn before.