Saturday, March 22, 2008

SPB News for Saturday.

Inspector Is Charged With Filing False Report Before Crane Collapse A buildings inspector has been arrested and charged with faking a report that he visited a towering construction crane on the East Side of Manhattan on March 4 in response to a complaint. The inspector, the authorities said, never visited the crane, which toppled and killed seven people 11 days later.

60% of CNMI homeowners face foreclosures Many people in the community may have to move to smaller houses or even leave the islands, senators learned yesterday. According to the Marianas Public Land Trust and the Northern Marianas Housing Corp., 60 percent of CNMI [Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands] homeowners are delinquent borrowers and are facing foreclosures.

Blackwater 'Blood Money' Angers Iraqis --Several Iraqi families have filed lawsuits against Blackwater in U.S. courts, alleging security guards were guilty of "war crimes." At least two Iraqi families of victims killed by Blackwater mercenaries in September tell ABC News they have refused compensation offered by the company. While a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. investigates the deaths, Blackwater has been operating behind the scenes in Iraq to offer condolence payments to survivors and families of the dead.

Refusal Keeps Terrorism Convict in Prison --Former Professor Fights Attempts to Force His Testimony Against Muslim Charities Former university professor Sami al-Arian wants to finish serving his prison sentence for a terrorism-related crime next month so that he can be deported to the Palestinian territories. But the Bush regime is threatening to keep him behind bars until he does something he has steadfastly refused to do: testify before a grand jury investigating allegations that Muslim charities aided terrorism organizations.

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