Saturday, March 22, 2008

Passport firms confirmed: Stanley Inc and The Analysis Corp.

WASHINGTON - The Associated Press has learned that the two contractors fired for snooping into Barack Obama's passport records worked for a Virginia-based company called Stanley Inc

Earlier this week [announcement on Stanley Inc. website on March 18, 2008], the 3,500-person company won a five-year, $570-million contract to support passport services at the State Department.

A worker at a second contracting company, not related to Stanley, Inc.,[now identified The Analysis Corp.] also allegedly took a look at the Obama files and those belonging to Sen. John McCain.

Here is some interesting info from Raw Story:

One prescient blogger who guessed correctly that Stanley was the contractor in question noted that its CEO is a political donor:

...[O]ne thing that would add to the appearance of impropriety is that CEO Nolan has, according to the Open Secrets database, been a campaign contributor to Sen. Joe Lieberman, a leading supporter of Obama's Republican adversary John McCain. In March 2005 Nolan gave $1,000 to Lieberman's reelection campaign.

The NBC News 'Deep Background' blog has more on Stanley as well as another firm involved in the breaches, The Analysis Corporation of McLean, including the revelation from public records that Stanley CEO Nolan "gave $1,000 to Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on Feb. 20, 2008" and Analysis CEO John Brennan "gave $2,300 to Sen. Obama on Jan. 28, 2008."

And more:

Stanley Awarded $570 Million Contract to Continue Support of Passport Program

--Over 15-Year History of Providing Passport Services Continues

Stanley, Inc., a leading provider of systems integration and professional services to the U.S. federal government, today announced that it was awarded a five-year, $570 million contract to continue support of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs/Passport Services Directorate. Services include production, operational and business process support training, procurement, administration and evaluation of critical supplies, and facilities management support at the four Passport Centers and 14 Passport Agencies nationwide along with the Headquarters' support offices.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Now, here's the question to ask. When were those snoopers snooping? Was that or was that not during the gigantic mess with the backlog of passports, when the new law went into effect requiring passports for Canada and Mexico, when the delays were so bad people had to change their travel plans, their honeymoons to Cancun, etc.?

This isn't just some idle people killing time when there was nothing to do, there was a big backlog of work to get done and those people were LOAFING.