Friday, March 21, 2008

FOXNews’ Tom Sullivan: Blacks Will Riot If Obama Loses.

Ah, stupidity come out of the woodwork.Sullivan has been watching too much of the tape of 1992 Rodney King beating and riot in Los Angeles and mixed up the OJ trial.

On his Fox News radio show, Tom Sullivan predicted that African-Americans would be rioting in the streets similar to what happened after the O.J. trial in the 1990s. Let me put it to you a different way. What if Barack Obama is not — does not win the Democratic nomination, or he does win it, and loses in the presidential race against John McCain? Is black America going to throw their hands up and say, ‘Man, you know, I thought we were getting somewhere in this country, but this is just a bunch of racial bigots in this country and they still hate blacks and, I mean, if Barack Obama can’t get elected, then we’re never gonna have anybody that’s a black that’s gonna be elected president.’ And will there be riots in the streets? I think the answer to that is yes and yes.


airJackie said...

I'm black and I voted for Hillary why on earth would I riot because Obama loses. Fox News is so full of it they have to reach back to the 50's history for headlines.

KittyBowTie1 said...

They have the wrong country, too--they are thinking of Haiti in 1804.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh, nevermind. I doubt anyone at Faux Snooze knows where the hell Haiti is.

airJackie said...

Now it will be interesting to see my relative Mr. Kitty Bowtie as he will have to join me in both riots. Mr. Bowtie is black/white and has to be on both sides. Me I'm black but voted for Hillary so it should be an interesting riot. I hope they serve lunch as I know I'll get hungry rioting in two riots.

KittyBowTie1 said...

If any of those idiots looked, they would find out that the white people riot when the Detroit Tigers win baseball.

I only care about seeing McSellout lose--I would take Obama or Clinton.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I forgot about the soccer (football) hooligans, too.

Hmmmmm, white people riot over sports. Black people rioted in the past over racism, civil rights, and slavery.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh, white college students riot over beer if some city politicians try to make the bars shut down earlier at night.

SP Biloxi said...

Ladies and Gentleman,

We got our dose of the next Shields and Brooks on the Justice League blog.