Thursday, March 27, 2008

Graham: Lickerman is a 'national treasure.’

During a recent interview, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “something special,” recounting their recent trip abroad. He also claimed that people around the world view McCain as a “reassuring” presence, but later admitted that no one had a “McCain sticker” on their desk:
GRAHAM: Senator Lieberman, I think, is a national treasure, because no matter how you feel about his politics, he was willing to risk everything, politically, for a cause he believed in. But to see the interaction between these two guys and world leaders was something special. […]
I think John McCain will be a reassuring presence to the world. … It really was a smile on people’s faces, knowing that if this guy got to be president, I think we could do business with him. … I think he’s a reassuring presence. Doesn’t mean that they prefer John over Obama or Senator Clinton, but there’s a level of comfort there. […]
Q: But some probably do prefer him, don’t they?
GRAHAM: Oh, I would think, but no one told us. No one had a McCain sticker on their desk.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Things must be heating up in Connecticut for Lickerman. For Graham to speak on Lickerman's behalf things aren't going well for the Republican Senator Joe Lieberman. I guess the voters now know he used them to get in office and is still laughing at how well it went.