Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Press and their love for Hannah Montana McCain.

Crooks and Liars:

I’ve never seen the press cover for a politician like they do for McCain. I know back in the day—sports writer’s used to shield the athletes they covered as much as possible, but this is insane. And it will continue through to the general election.


Neal Gabler has a fascinating article today in the NY Times about the relationship between St. McCain and his Hannah Montana fanboys in the press. I think he really gets to the nub of the mutual fascination — and outlines how McCain manages to fool a good number of Americans into thinking he is really a closet liberal despite being a raving wingnut…

This is the problem. The macho “maverick” is the coolest kid in school and all the breathless media villagers are thrilled to be in his orbit. It’s why they are always telling us that his panders don’t mean anything. Everybody knows that cool guys think crazy preachers like Falwell and Hagee are losers. It’s a show for the rubes. Just like democracy..
read on

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It all out in the open now and that's all they need to say. McCain is the chosen one and the Media/Republican will do what it takes to get him in office. Even the KKK is working hard doing their part to divide the country by race. It will be interesting to see what happens as Republican and Democratic voters lose jobs and homes. Now if McCain gets their vote I say it's time to take a bus ride to Canada.