Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Girlfriday's Rice considering VP run?


Steve Clemons reports that this morning, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attended Grover Norquist’s weekly conservative “powerhouse gathering” at Americans for Tax Reform. Although Rice denied running for office was part of her “political future,” one GOP operative was skeptical, noting that the only reason high-ranking officials go to the right-wing meeting to “secure” their political positions:

Someone like Condi Rice doesn’t go to Grover Norquist’s den to talk about the Annapolis Middle East peace process. She’s going to secure her future in Republican politics and to position herself as a ‘potential’ VP candidate on the McCain ticket.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It goes from bad to worse. Connie still has to answer questions about 9/11 and now as she messed up as Secretary of State what will she say is a success. Her summit didn't work and Isreal is not better then the day Bush took office. The World Leaders wont even talk to her and she's a joke around the World. So what's this about her as VP. I'd tired of the race stuff and if that's what these idiots are thinking Connie might have McCain lost the little votes he has paid for.