Sunday, March 23, 2008

FOXNews Sunday: Brit Hume Dismisses McCain’s Iran/al Qaeda Confusion As A “Senior Moment.”

A senior moment? So, if McCain confuses another country as a terrorist and bombs that country and casualities result, is that going to be blamed as a senior moment?

Crooks and Liars:

Brit Hume tries to dismiss McCain’s misstatements on the Iran/al Qaeda connections as a “senior moment” for McCain.
I think it’s probably just a blip, but it was a bigger blip than he wanted or needed at the time. I think the overall impression of the trip was this is a man welcomed by, knowledgeable of and comfortable with foreign leaders across a big part of the globe. But the mistake, nonetheless, raises questions not about his knowledgability—we all kinda believe he has that—the question, perhaps, about his age, which is an issue. You know, the feeling was not that he’s a dope, didn’t know his way around, that he might have had a senior moment there, and I think that’s unfortunate for him. But I think probably the trip was a net plus.
Once again, ONCE might have been a senior moment. Repeated transgressions does not a senior “moment” make. But even if we give McCain the benefit of the doubt, do you really think raising the spectre of Alzheimer’s is a good way to legitimize the candidate before the general election? If he’s having four identical “McCain Moments” now, what is he going to be like in 2012?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Brit Hume lost his job on a national network and his wife an executive as Fox News gave him a job. Now if only woman would pay attention to that story. Here's a man who's wife is in charge and gives her husband a job. At lease Hillary made it as a Senator and Presidential Candidate on her own.

Now if wiped Hume thinks McCain had a senior moment with Iran/Al Qaeda what does he call comparing the Jewish Holiday Purim with the US children's holiday Halloween. Looks like the Media is now making excuses for McCain old age as they have done for Bush's drinking and drug problem. But Hume has a job as long as he does the housework and all the jobs the woman of the home normally does. I bet Mrs. Hume has a real man on the side at lease see can afford one.