Sunday, March 23, 2008

MTP: Todd admits media gave McCain a pass over Iran/al-Qaeda gaffe and would have attacked the Dems.

Crooks and Liars:

On Meet the Press this morning, NBC’s Chuck Todd got honest and told us what we already know, but what the media rarely likes to confess. McCain has a lot in the bank with the media and they will help him out of his problems. You’re all aware of McCain’s linking al-Qaeda to Iran all last week—which is not happening because of the Sunni/Shia difference. He had to get bailed out by his Lieberman posse and his FOX friend Britt Hume, but the real story given to us by Chuck Todd is that the media would have attacked either of the two Democratic nominees for days on end over the same gaffe.

Todd: He’s got enough of that in the bank, at least with the media, that he can get away with it. I mean, the irony to this is had either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama misspoke like that, it’d have been on a running loop, and it would become a, a big problem for a couple of days for them.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Sure, the one Sunday of the year when church attendance is the highest (above or second to the Christmas service) and no one is watching, some TV exec gets up and tells the truth.

How about replaying that next Sunday, when people are actually watching?