Friday, March 21, 2008

Countdown Bushed!: Bear Stearns-gate.

Crooks and Liars:

The latest and greatest of Bush administration scandals starts with the Big Dick reaching back into the tried and true to link Iraq to 9/11 in a speech yesterday. Seeing as he gave the speech in Iraq and I’m pretty sure the Iraqis know they didn’t have anything to do with 9/11, it seems like a double slap in the face. But seeing as the whole country is pretty shell-shocked from the five years of hell we’ve wrought upon them, maybe the Iraqis think they did have something to do with 9/11 now.
Next up is the ridiculous letter sent to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists by
Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt seeking to overturn a guideline made by ACOG that demands that OB/GYNs who do not wish to perform specific services (read: abortion) for personal reasons must refer their patients to another doctor with no such restriction. Apparently in the Bush administration, the right to choose must belong to the doctor alone.
And finally, in light of the Bear Stearns bailout and purchase by JPMorgan, it should come as no surprise that the
FBI has expanded their original investigation of 14 lenders to criminal investigation files on 17 mortgage lenders after the subprime mortgage collapse, acknowledging that it was “common sense” to look at Bear Stearns after the news over the weekend.

Possible criminal mismanagement of investors’ money, banks doing no due diligence, the relationship between the huge money being made by banks’ managers of their hedge funds and the current crisis. You watch, this is going to make Enron look like the failure of a lemonade stand.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now this was all planned by a few big businesses to take over other businesses. Notice how Goldman Sachs didn't invest in sub prime. There's a good reason why. They were working with the White House and to make sure it happen Cheney had the eavesdropping set up. Now the Public was told it was for terrorist but it was to take over businesses. Now the plan backfired and effected the Global Market because of the crimes.