Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Whither Grampa Fred?


After his farewell speech sans farewell Saturday night in South Carolina, Fred was nowhere to be seen today. He was apparently visiting his mother, who is in a hospital in Nashville, but one report says he "has announced no campaign plans for Florida."

Meanwhile, a Georgia organizer for Thompson defected to the Romney camp today, saying: “I don’t know if he’s pulling out today or tomorrow or not at all. But clearly Fred Thompson is not going to be the nominee.” Ouch.Rumors are that a formal announcement of his departure from the race could come as early as tomorrow


airJackie said...

Grampa Fred has no money and is getting to old for this stuff. Look he lost his State now why would anyone else vote for him. He can't remember who he is half of the time. I'm waiting for him to say President Nixon is on the phone. Hollywood turned their back on him and now only his small children will listen to him.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't he officially dropped out yet?
I heard Edwards say that it looks like McCain is going to be the GOP candidate.