Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TPM: Indicted!

From Josh Marshall:

The Heritage Foundation's 'blog' indicts the "moral bankruptcy of Talking Points Memo." It seems to be a rearguard action expressing some hurt feelings about the right-wing failure to substantiate any of their bogus election fraud charges, which they have used to suppress voter turnout by minority and low-income voters as well as provide fodder for Voter-ID laws and sundry other voter suppression tactics.

(ed.note: The direct link to the post seems to keep coming down. So here's the link to the blog itself, which still seems to be working. It's bad enough these jokers can't hack it out in the market economy. At least they could use all the foundation money to power up some reliable servers. Sheesh.)

Late Update: I am offended that Heritage is slyly using their server reliability as a metaphor for modern conservative governance. Earlier I linked to the main blog to try to give people a working link. But now it seems that your visits have brought down the entire blog section of the Heritage website. Then momentarily the direct link worked. But then it went down again too. If someone from Heritage would be willing to walk a paper copy to TPM headquarters we would be happy to scan it and post it directly on our site.

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