Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tweety Matthews Wants To Wrap The Mantle Of Reagan Around McCain.

Crooks and Liars:
Chris Matthews eats, sleeps and breathes politics, that much is clear. But what bothers me so much is that it’s all about the process and attaining the result, not sticky little details like reality. So, buoyed by John McCain’s significantly improved speech last night in South Carolina (as Keith Olbermann states, teleprompters are an excellent investment), Matthews is only too happy to reach for the mantle of the patron saint of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan

It’s a heavily invested night. He brought his mother. Cindy looked very much like a first lady. It was a fascinating presentation. It gave me the tableau tonight of a man who believes—he may be wrong, of course—that this is his big night. That this is the night (that) will launch him. I would expect that the next step tomorrow morning, he gets up and calls Nancy Reagan and ask for an endorsement. I think he’s going to try to make himself “the Reagan candidate,” as he did in that speech, try to do it now, go for it, this is his chance, try to bring the party together under him. I think this is it for him and he knows it.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety is so up set he's all over the place. He sees the writing on the wall a Democrat will be President and he's out of a job. Look for Andrea Mitchell to move to Bush News aka Fox News like the rest of the loyal Bushies. I thought Chris was going to cry when Hillary won Nevada. Most people are torn between two lovers but Chris is dammed on both sides and he hates woman/Clinton and he's a racist who hates blacks.