Sunday, January 20, 2008

FTN: Bob Schieffer Scolds Gen Tommy Franks.

Crooks and Liars:

Schieffer: [W]e don’t hire our generals to rubber-stamp every idea their civilian bosses come up with. We hire them for their expertise on military matters, and Franks went along with a plan that violated the first rule of warfare: never invade unless you have an overwhelming advantage and a firm idea of what to do next.

Franks has since retired, but I have questions now that go far beyond his military expertise. […]
What kind of PERSON would insist, or even ALLOW himself, to be paid to raise money for those who were wounded while serving under him?

Franks says he severed his connection to the fundraiser when he realized most of the money he helped raise went to the fundraiser, not the troops. But doesn’t he owe the troops a little more than that?

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