Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thank you, Waxman!!!

Oversight Committee to Examine Mortgage CEO Severance Packages

As part of its ongoing investigation into executive pay, the Oversight Committee invited three CEOs implicated in the subprime mortgage crisis to testify on February 7 about their severance and compensation packages: Mr. Angelo Mozilo, the CEO of Countrywide Financial; Mr. Charles Prince, the former CEO of Citigroup; and Mr. E. Stanley O’Neal, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch.



Anonymous said...


SP Biloxi said...

That is interesting General Re Corp. There are so many CEOs involved in cooking books or getting a balloon package from a failed comapny. Corporate business law needs to be revised.

KittyBowTie1 said...

"Corporate business law needs to be revised."

Drop kicked off the Golden Gate Bridge then flushed down the toilet at the bus station would be a good start.

I guess I meant CEOs, not any laws about them.