Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Day; Open Thread.

Maybe we should ask Mitt Romney to recite MLK speech since he told the public the fairytale story that he marched along with his daddy during MLK march.

King's I Have a Dream speech given on August 28, 1963.


airJackie said...

I listen to Bill's speech today and it was so true. He and many others lived during the struggles and saw first hand what took place. Yes we were young but old enough to understand. Civil Rights was not just for Black Americans it covered all who were in need of equality and rights. I was surprised so many Black Americans in our age group didn't pay attention. What an honor it must of been for Hillary to have met and spoke with Dr. King during that time. She and others have carried the fight for all these years.

Now I read Obama history and listen to his speech as well. I realized Obama born in 1961 was to young to have experience those times and as he grew up most of his time was in Hawaii and overseas. As he was born with a white Mother and African Father. Obama's education for civil rights came for his college years. Books don't always tell the real story but living it tells the truth. I wish Senator Obama before making himself as the next Dr. King would talk to those who lived and experience the struggle both black and white. Maybe even speaking to Hillary on what Dr. King spoke to her about. Just being Black isn't the answer. Obama might not realize it but his life of success and equality for even getting in college was due to many blacks and whites who gave their lives for that to happen. Obama might want to take the time to read Dr. Kings words and read the Civil Rights Bill it might help him re think his comments. I remember seeing on the news a black man hanging from a tree as people set and had a picnic around him. I have seen to much horror to forget and I've seen how far we're come.

airJackie said...

The US didn't know the horror of the South until Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman were murdered. Yes these two men's murder took front page of every news paper in America. From the time Vernon Johns started the Civil Rights movement every horror was never made public to the north. Yes many people were hung and jailed for sitting in the front of the bus long before Rosa Parks but these three men open the eyes of Americans. It allow Dr. King to have a change to address the struggle to all the States of the United States.
So if you read this pass the information on to others and to Senator Obama. Plus say a prayer for these three men and many other both white and black who died for the Civil Rights Bill to be passed.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Mama went to the Rainbow Coalition/PUSH Martin Luther King, Jr. scholarship fund-raiser this morning in Chicago. Senator Obama goes every year but he was in South Carolina this time. Sen. Durbin was there and all of the Chicago civil rights activists a generation ago were there, people who marched with MLK when he came to Chicago and of course Rev. Jackson and TV people hosted. Gov. Blago, AG Lisa Madigan, about half the Chicago alderman, and a bunch of others from Springfield and Chicago were there. They had a lot of young people performing and giving speeches. Bill Cosby talked for a long time on what the young people are missing in their lives.

So, Mama had breakfast at the same place at the same event as Blago. The day is not over, so the world could come to an end today. Mama sat next to Obama's table and it was far, far away from Blago. It was filled with young people, who listened intently on what their elders had to say about the civil rights movement. Rev. Jackson certainly said that if it wasn't for people like MLK, Obama wouldn't be in South Carolina doing what he is doing now.

Cosby was a lot more harsh on the young people--many young black men need to straighten up.

SP Biloxi said...

Hey, Kittybowtie!

Thanks for the 411 on mama's outing at the MLK event. Sounds like that was a good event. Glad that she didn't sit next G-Rod. Otherwise, mama would have to hit
G-Rod with her purse. ;-)

Hey, was Urkel there?

SP Biloxi said...


Did mama bring you any breakfast?


Did Mama bring you smothered chicken and pork chops, waffles, grits, and cornbread???

KittyBowTie1 said...

Urkel wasn't there but they mentioned his dad and the former mayor who just died two days ago, the one who got appointed to take over after Harold Washington died (mentioned on 3rd's blog).

They had choices of rolls, donuts, fresh fruit, sausage, hash browns, quiche, and a couple of other things. Mama was happy they didn't do anything too stupid and expensive--the less they blew on food, the more money there would be left over for scholarships. Cosby and Jackson did their part in getting people to raise money. They got a couple of pledges of $10,000 from some rich people in the audience. Cosby said people were happy and clapping but when Jackson asked for money they all wanted to disappear. Cosby made that funny, and people gave more money. :-) It really helped to have the kids there who got scholarships. That's what it should be about.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh, Urkel did write a letter that was in the program, with all of the other letters from politicians.

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks for the info on Urkel and the food. ;-)