Monday, January 21, 2008

SPB News for Monday.

Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida By Peter Chamberlin. The myth of "al Qaida" is built on an expansive foundation of many half-truths and hidden facts. It is a CIA creation... In order to explain away the billions of dollars worth of weapons and training that went into the operation, they chose a rich jihadi, a Saudi millionaire named Osama bin Laden, who had been a faithful recruiter and business agent of the Mujahedeen. He was painted as the sole financier of the entire enormous operation that was centered in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bin Laden may not even have known that he was playing a part in a deceitful CIA global drama until after the fact.

Russia warns of nuclear defence Russia's military chief of staff has said Moscow is ready to use force, including pre-emptively and with nuclear weapons, to defend itself. Gen Yuri Baluyevsky said Russia had no plans to attack anyone, but it was important that other countries clearly understood its leaders' resolve.

Job Data Passes Threshold Where Recessions Dwell The Labor Department reported that in December some 7,655,000 people were unemployed, meaning they were both without a job and looking for one. That figure was 13.2 percent higher than the 6,760,000 figure in the previous December. In the past, a 13 percent annual rise has been the sign of a recession every time.

Is John McCain too old to be president? At his Lone Wolf Ranch near Navasota today, martial arts action star Chuck Norris hosted a fundraiser for Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Norris said, in part, he is supporting Huckabee, 52, because U.S. Sen. John McCain at 72 is too old to be president.

EPA turns over limited documents Invoking executive privilege [!], the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday refused to provide lawmakers with a full explanation of why it rejected California's greenhouse gas regulations. The EPA informed Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., that many of the documents she had requested contained internal deliberations or attorney-client communications that would not be shared now with Congress.

Just one more year! Good riddance to George W Bush — But what kind of mess will the next president inherit, exactly 12 months from today? By Rupert Cornwell in Washington — Arabia is the land of illusion and desert mirages. And as he jetted last week from kingdom to sheikdom …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Russia or any other Nuke owning country will use nukes if push comes to shove.

Job Data, as well as many other date, has been manipulated for some time with this current administration, so as to keep everyone drinking the koolaid.

Is John McCain too old to be president.......hmm is it more like he is too close to this administration would be more pertinant, I don't care if he was 100, or anyone else, if you could do the job and do it right and really help this country.

And how much more damage can be inflicted by the Gerbil Administration in a year......too scary.