Monday, January 14, 2008

McLaugh-in Group: Monica Crowley Likens Hillary To Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

You'll be the judge of this statement...
Crooks and Liars:
On The McLaughlin Group, host John McLaughlin asked his panel their view on the pundit-driven “come from behind” Hillary Clinton win in the New Hampshire. Monica Crowley takes the cake for her analogy that is offensive on so many levels. Nothing like painting Hillary Clinton as a unhinged, dangerous killer for winning an primary.
McLaughlin: “What did you think of Hillary’s performance?”
Crowley:”Well, you know, she’s like Glenn Close at the end of Fatal Attraction - you think she’s dead and then she just bolts upright in the tub!”
Is that so? Well, I don’t think it would be out of line to say that Ms. Crowley is like Ann Coulter, except not so muchclass,” ahem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Monica Crowley would take that comment in the highest of order. That is the best Clinton analogy I have heard yet...