Monday, January 14, 2008

Editorial: Why are networks ignoring the elections?

That's a good question...


An editorial today in the industry publication Broadcasting & Cable sharply criticizes the television networks for foregoing primary election coverage:

[A]t a time when voters have turned out in record numbers in the first two primary states, broadcast news divisions have ceded live coverage to their cable brethren. Neither CBS nor NBC interrupted primetime schedules to air meaningful coverage of the Iowa caucuses or New Hampshire primaries. […]

ABC News has been the only broadcast network to step up to the plate. And viewers are paying attention. Back-to-back primetime debates on Saturday Jan. 5 attracted big audiences. More than 7 million people watched the Republican debate, and an impressive 9.36 million tuned in to the Democrats. […]

In the primaries yet to come, particularly with the strike crippling network television, the future of the country is one reality show with a built-in audience. Broadcast networks should serve it.

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