Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Internets-in-chief to answer public's Middle East questions online

In a first, US President George W. Bush on Wednesday was to answer questions submitted through the official White House Internet site about his week-long trip to the Middle East, a spokesman said.
Bush was to take part in the regularly held "Ask The White House" online discussion at 1:00 pm (1800 GMT) from his presidential Air Force One airplane as it flew from Egypt back to Washington, according to Tony Fratto.
It will be the first time that the president will be the featured US official taking questions, which can be submitted from any computer with access to the White House site.
Bush will answer the queries himself, but his words will be typed by an aide.
The event comes after the White House inaugurated another new Internet feature -- a kind of Web log or "blog" featuring regular "trip notes" from senior aides travelling with the president in the Middle East.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

If you believe Bush the idiot will answer your question on line then I'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. The Gerbil doesn't know how to read or use a computer and now we are to believe what he says. Look for the aides to answer the questions and Bush to do what he does best sit back and drink alcohol and get high with his drugs.