Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hardball Power Rankings: McCain, Mitt Beat Obama.

Crooks and Liars:

The Power Rankings segment on Monday’s Hardball left me scratching my head. Hillary Clinton has been riding a wave of primary wins, so it’s not surprising to see her atop the list — but to put Barack Obama below both McCain and Romney defies logic. The reality is that Democratic voters are turning out nearly 2 to 1 over Republicans consistently this primary season and the outlook for the GOP for November is bleak at best.
We know that Chris Matthews has a man crush on Rudy Giuliani, but does he have to make it so transparent? Rudy Giuliani can’t even muster enough votes to beat Ron Paul or Grandpa Fred and is down by double digits in his home state of New York, but according to Tweety that puts him just below Barack Obama who has gotten far more votes than McCain or Romney. Makes sense to me…

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now the Republicans just might win with anyone of their idiots. As we see the division of votes in Dems and the race card coming out it could happen. I hear Blacks say they will vote for Obama because he's black. Some men and woman say they don't want a Woman as a President. Then there's the White male policy. With all this division if voters don't come out because the person they wanted didn't get in Republicans can win. That would be good for the White House crime Family as they could stay the course. Republicans know Obama doesn't have the backing that George W. Bush did or the money. Just pull out the race issue and what good Americans have doubt as to Obama ability to lead with the lack of experience as a first term Senator. Like in a criminal case all that's needed is reasonable doubt. Oh yes and the Allens and other racist will come out full steam ahead with fear and threats of Obama. Now as for Hill they have to get pass the Master Bill Clinton. They lost twice no good odds for the GOP.