Tuesday, January 22, 2008

USA firing probe lingers....

Crooks and Liars:

The scandal that forced an Attorney General to resign in disgrace hasn’t generated too much attention lately, but it’s still lingering.

The federal investigation into the firing of nine U.S. attorneys could jolt the political landscape ahead of the November elections, according to several people close to the inquiry.

Washington’s attention has been diverted from the scandal since the August resignation of Alberto Gonzales as attorney general, and has focused instead on Democrats’ efforts to hold White House officials in contempt for ignoring congressional subpoenas to testify on Capitol Hill about the firings.

But recent behind-the-scenes activity in several investigations suggests that the issue that roiled Congress in 2007 could re-emerge in the heat of the election year. Two inquiries by the House and Senate ethics committees are examining whether several congressional Republicans, including one running for the Senate this year, improperly interfered with investigations.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

All the corruption done in the pass 7 years is connected to the firings of the US lawyers. As each got close to figuring it out they were let go. Now it will take a team of experienced honest lawyers to connect the dots. Cheney did learn well from the Nixon criminal team. Cheney had the hold US Government set up with loyal Bushies even in the Supreme Court. Nixon would be proud. Ford saw it before he died and realized he played a part in this by allowing Nixon to get off and the cover up of the Warren Commission for the murder of JFK.