Monday, January 21, 2008

H&C: Hillary lovefest...

Crooks and Liars:

I really don’t understand why FOXNews likes using Dick Morris as an “analyst”. The guy comes off as so oily and unctuous that I want to take a whole bottle of hand sanitizer to my computer every time I see him. What’s funny now is that even Fox’s designated milquetoast “balance” Alan Colmes can’t take him seriously any more.
DM: It’s very funny. You have all of these people savaging Obama, emails that he’s a Muslim. You have people savaging McCain…
AC: We have you to savage the Clintons…
DM: …emails that his daughter, who he adopted from a Mother Teresa orphanage, is his illegitimate daughter…
AC: Not that you want to bring any of this stuff up…
DM: ….no, no, no…And all of those stuff are wrong. C’mon, all of those are wrong and…
AC: So, thank you for not mentioning them.
DM: ….all of those are wrong and they’re lies.
AC: And they should not be mentioned.
DM: Well, they should be, to rebut them, ‘cause they’re being spread.
AC: Right.
DM: But nobody is doing that about Hillary. And the reason…
AC: You’re doing it!
DM: …and the reason they’re not is what are we going to say? We’re going to send out an email saying she got..her brother got a quarter of a million bucks to pardon a drug dealer? Another email that says anonymous phone call that says she got …

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