Monday, January 21, 2008

DreamWorks to build theme park in Dubai.

DreamWorks, the US studio behind the hit box-office animated movie "Shrek", is to build a theme park in the booming Gulf emirate of Dubai.

The studio has signed an agreement with Tatweer, a subsidiary of state-owned investment firm Dubai Holding, to develop the project which includes restaurants, hotels and retail outlets, the Khaleej Times newspaper reported on Sunday.

The Western-oriented emirate of Dubai, one of seven that make up the United Arab Emirates, is a leisure hub in the oil-rich Gulf and draws millions of visitors every year.

Under a deal concluded last September, Warner Brothers will also set up a theme park in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi.

A hotel, several multiplex cinemas and a joint film and computer game development fund will also be created as part of the deal between Warner Brothers, the Abu Dhabi Media Company and real estate developers ALDAR.



Anonymous said...

Dubai is doing well, it will be the vacation destination of the world eventually, how smart, get tourists spending their money in your country. Of course there will be less US tourists as the dollar deflates.

airJackie said...

CBS 60 minutes showed Dubai and it is so pretty. Yes thanks to Dick Cheney and the US Treasury Dubai has grown to be one of the most famous places in the World. Now as the Middle East continues to grow and unite the US dollar wont be necessary. Bin Laden knew the Bush Administration plan and knew no one would ever have to attack the US as we see he was right, we are destroying ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Oil was $20/bar when Bush was elected, now it's $100/bar.

They've squeezed out the equity/capital of the U.S. and used it to fuel (pun-intended) investment in the emerging world order.

SP Biloxi said...

"They've squeezed out the equity/capital of the U.S. and used it to fuel (pun-intended) investment in the emerging world order."

Well said.. And the Dickster is working the circuit on the taxpayers' dollar for oil profits.

Anonymous said...


it's me, Celeste Aida, from Chicago, opining about Bush & oil & the emerging global economy.

I hope you don't mind my posting on your blog.

I can be overwhelming when I freak-out over child-sexualization.