Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Governator + CA budget = Norquist's wet dream.

Crooks and Liars:

California is staring in the face of a $14.5 billion budget deficit and, lucky for us, the old Arnold Schwarzenegger is back.

I’m kidding. It’s 2004/05 all over again.

Our “post-partisan” governor has pushed forward a devastating, mean spirited, wholly unacceptable budget. See, he took the Grover Norquist pledge and said “I do not believe in tax increases”. Therefore, his solution to the deficit is to cut funding across the board. Plus he wants to tack on a few billion more dollars on the state’s credit card that he supposedly cut up years ago.
Schwarzenegger’s budget is Norquist’s wet dream. It would have absolutely catastrophic effects on California’s educational, health care, and parks systems, among other services.
LA Times:

Yet his vision for the state is costly — and contradictory. Proposing that the state more than double the borrowing voters approved 14 months ago for public works, the governor compared himself to Franklin D. Roosevelt with the New Deal.

Bewildered lawmakers and activists said that reference was inconsistent with his administration’s bid to close nearly one of every five state parks.

“I don’t think it represents the governor’s values,” Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez (D-Los Angeles) said of the proposed budget, which is intended to close a $14.5-billion gap over the next 18 months.
(Read the rest of this story…)

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