Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beck + waterboarding poll = The dumbing down of the media.


On his radio show today, conservative talker Glenn Beck attacked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his belief that waterboarding is torture, saying that the former Vietnam POW is “dead wrong.” After disparaging McCain’s position, Beck then joked about subjecting one of his sidekicks to waterboarding, saying that “we need to find somebody who is willing to be waterboarded by professionals and show if it’s torture or not.”

When Beck asked his friend Stu if he would be willing to be waterboarded, Stu refused, saying he’s “not going to be tortured.” When Beck pointed out that Stu has been “telling him” that “waterboarding’s not torture,” Stu changes his line to “I don’t want to be interrogated“:

STU: No, I’m not going to be tortured.
GLENN: It’s not torture.
STU: Oh, that’s right, it’s not torture.
GLENN: Wait a minute, you are the one that’s been telling me beat the drum, waterboarding’s not torture.
STU: I would say that’s true, you are accurate. I don’t want to be interrogated. How about that.

On his website now, Beck has posted a poll asking “who from the program should be waterboarded?”

1 comment:

Patriot Girl said...

Let me guess...
32% approve of the technique