Sunday, January 13, 2008

Beck's bad hospital visit hits blogsphere.

I'm in the process of looking for Beck's bedside video.. LOL!

NEW YORK - The video of a disheveled, unshaven Glenn Beck talking about a hemorrhoid operation gone wrong feels like one of those late-night, partying-with-your-friends pictures posted — to your eternal regret — on Facebook the next day.

The whole world can see one of your worst moments. In Beck's case, it rapidly became an Internet sensation, fueling the CNN Headline News host's new crusade against health care practitioners who don't care.

"I didn't realize why this was a story until recently, and that's because everyone knows that this is true," he said. "Everyone has gone through this."

Beck made the seven-minute video for his fans, posting it on his Web site. The intention was to explain why he wasn't coming back to work until last week, but it took a detour into the truly weird.

His eyes look bleary and he has a week's growth of beard. His head is propped on a blue pillow. He says he has "some stories that will melt your brain."

What was expected to be an outpatient procedure put Beck in the hospital for five days, with doctors offering a medicine cabinet's worth of drugs to ease his pain. The drugs made him hallucinate and briefly suicidal, Beck said.

"By Saturday night if they had come into my room with a handgun and said, `OK, we can give you some more medication or take this gun and blow your head off' ... I would have honestly taken the handgun at that point and ended it," he says on the tape.


He's self-aware enough to note that one of the darkest experiences of his life "may not be as dark as what will happen to me when I see this tape on YouTube." His wife has drily pointed out that there are reasons why pill boxes warn against operating heavy machinery.

When he got a concerned call from the hospital's chief administrator, Beck knew the tape had spread beyond his Web site. Sure enough, the Drudge Report had picked it up. It has reached nearly 800,000 views on YouTube.More on the story.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Beck had 'roid surgery and there was a problem?

Anyone looking for evidence for the phenomenon of karma, there it is.


SP Biloxi said...


I found the video of Mr. 'roids' Beck. It will be posted for Monday. And he did look jacked up in that video! LOL!

airJackie said...

Looking for pity and it might have been sign to get his act together. We'll see if he continues his old ways. The next trip to the hospital might be his last.