Saturday, January 19, 2008

And the gold goes to...

Crooks and Liars:

On Thursday’s Countdown, Keith Olbermann awards the bronze award to Rep. Michelle Bachman for her Let them eat cake moment of boasting about so many Minnesotans working longer hours and at more than one job. The silver goes to Glenn Beck for taking his WATB rants about a botched hemorrhoid surgery and extending it to a slam against Universal Health Care and then to FDR for being the president that ushered in more social programs than the Republicans have been able to destroy (though Universal Health Care was not one of them, but hey, it’s Beck, we don’t need no stinkin’ facts). And finally, the gold goes to Mike Huckabee, for continuing his “The Constitution should be amended to fit the word of God” to do the typically inane biblically-based bash against same-sex marriage.


airJackie said...

You have to love Rev. Huck he has no idea what he's saying. First it was the floating cross aka bookshelf and now he wants to change the Constitution. He want camps for minorities. Rev. Huck is a sick man and those who follow him are as sick as he is. He should be called Killer Rev. Huck.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I checked out the comments people wrote about the nasty lady from MN.

Wow. She better hope she doesn't want to run for re-election.