Saturday, January 19, 2008

SPB News for Saturday.

Petraeus Is Undecided About Deeper Troop Cuts The top American commander in Iraq said that 30,000 American troops would leave the country by July but that he had yet to make up his mind about whether to recommend any additional reductions.

DHS Suggests a REAL ID Could be Necessary for Medicine By Ryan Singel. A top homeland security policy maker [Stewart Baker] suggests that the recently released mandates for a de-facto national I.D. card could help stop meth labs, if the government required that pharmacy's demand that cold medicine buyers show their REAL ID.

Muslim Athlete Disqualified Over Uniform A high school track star has been disqualified from a meet because officials said the custom-made outfit she wears to conform to her Muslim faith violated competition rules. Juashaunna Kelly, a senior at the District of Columbia's Theodore Roosevelt High School, has the fastest mile and 2-mile times of any girl runner in the city this winter. She was disqualified from Saturday's Montgomery Invitational indoor track and field meet.

New Bush Coins --Satire By Dean Opperman 04 Dec 2007 (Video) Now that President [sic] Bush has declared martial law, it will be illegal to own precious metals after the first of the year.

Official Taliban Websites Hosted in US — Several official websites belonging to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the group better known as theTaliban, are back up once again and operating on US soil. The websites are named the “Voice of Jihad". — Again the Taliban webmaster …

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now how many ID's will a person need in the US. We have driver license, passport, credit card and now voters ID. Now another ID is needed. This is really making the criminals and terrorist happy as it's much easier to steal identity of a person.