Saturday, December 15, 2007

And the gold goes to…

Crooks and Liars:

Radio hack Don Imus landed himself with the bronze award on Thursday’s night’s Worst Person in the World segment on Countdown, for asking one of his guests “Why don’t you like Huckabee? Are you gay, or what?.” The silver went to Rush Limbaugh for completely taking out of context words used by Bill Moyers, and the gold went to Bill O’Reilly for becoming disturbingly obsessed with a story of teenage girls taking partially nude pictures of themselves and sending them to other teens on the internet. BillO actually brought a father, a comedian and a shrink onto the show and made it the top story, calling for the kids to have the book thrown at them. Keith sums up the creepiness;

“Bill, steer out of this skid quickly - very quickly! Right now you’re getting worked up over the thought of chaining naked 13 year old girls in the cellar for maybe 18 months. Stop while you still can!”


Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly was wrong for bringing so much attention to this, he is a pervert, but we already knew that, and he is supposed to be on a credible news station cough, cough, choke, choke or so he claims....and shame on people who buy his childrens books, for and about children.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! Chicago Native. Bill-O is a pervert. I think that business is slow in reporting by Falafel man.