Saturday, December 15, 2007

2008 candidates and their keepsakes.

PERSONAL SIDE: Two Presidential Hopefuls With a Common Treasure

Their common treasure was revealed when AP asked presidential candidates to name their most prized possession. Fred Thompson's campaign answered tongue in cheek.

The responses:


New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: No answer

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards (laughing): "I hate these questions because they always require more thought than I have time to give them. Prized like long-term or short-term? My running shoes are very important to me."

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: "Photograph in my office of the cliffs of Oahu's South Shore, where my mother's ashes are scattered."
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: "Baseball signed by Ted Williams."


Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: "My grandfather's pocket watch."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: "Probably my Tobias bass guitar or maybe, I've got a handmade musket rifle that was made by a guy in Eureka Springs, Ark. I've hunted turkey with it. It's really an amazing firearm. Probably one of those two as far as just real heirlooms."
Arizona Sen. John McCain: "I have a baseball signed by Ted Williams, my childhood hero, a Marine pilot as well."

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: 1962 Rambler American, which his sons bought for him. "The last year that my dad was president of American Motors and made Ramblers was 1962, so it's a connection with my dad and that era."

Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson: "Trophy wife."

Source: AP News

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