Saturday, November 03, 2007

President Cheney: Hugo Chavez is the President of Peru.


On Friday, in a speech in Dallas, a reporter asked Vice President Cheney about his views on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Cheney responded that the people of Peru “deserve better” leadership:

MODERATOR: Our attention is focused on Iraq, Iran and the wider Middle East. However, much of the world is watching closely Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. How concerned are you about his influence?

CHENEY: We have — I’m trying to think how to state this diplomatically.


Diplomacy is hard sometimes.


We have refrained from making public pronouncements about Mr. Chavez — I think, for good and legitimate reasons. He’s a — obviously, an individual with his own agenda. And he spends a great deal of his time worrying about us and criticizing the United States.

My own personal view is that he does not represent the future of Latin America. And the people of Peru (sic), I think, deserve better in their leadership. But that’s obviously a matter they’ve got to resolve for themselves.
For the record, Peru’s current president is
Alan García. (At least Cheney didn’t call Africa a “nation.”)

While Dick is making fun of Chavez, Venezuela is making oil deals with other countries. The last laugh will be on Dick and George.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh dear lord. How could he get that screwed up??? Peru has almost NO OIL.

Who wrote his speech, Dan Quayle?

Anonymous said...

And the people in Venzuela are enjoying their president who is working on healthcare, the economy, and really trying to make things better for the majority of the population..........and Chavez is smart enough to know what he is dealing with in the WH.

SP Biloxi said...

Cheney is just being an ass. While Cheney is talking smack about Chavez, Chavez is making oil deals with other countries. And I were Dick, I would keep my mouth shut about Chavez and not bite the hand that feeds us in the name of heating oil for the winter.