Saturday, November 03, 2007

GOP pressure on scandalized Foot-Tapping Craig appears to be loosening.

by PageOneQ

Scandalized Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) appears to have been spared by the Republican Party, The Hill reports .

After discovery of a guilty plea, stemming from a June arrest in an undercover men's room sex sting at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, Craig had announced plans to resign on September 30th if he was unable to reverse the plea. After the judge hearing the appeal ruled against him, Craig decided to renege and remain in the Senate until the completion of his current term in 2008 to, as he puts it, best serve his constituents.

The GOP had since stripped Craig of two ranking posts and threatened exhaustive public investigations of his personal conduct. Such investigations appear to have been called off, and millions of dollars worth of appropriations appear to be safe from threat.

"I feel like I’m being effective and I’ll continue to work," says the Senator of his earmarks.

The entire article, published today, can be read at The Hill.

Gee, I wonder how much of his soul that Craig sold to the GOP.

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